Table of Contents

Prequisits & Requirements

root or sudo access will be needed to perform these tasks.


  • Operating System:
    • macOS
      • Mac OS X 10.12 or higher
    • Linux
      • RHEL 7.x or CentOS 7.x
      • Ubuntu Server 18.04
      • Ubuntu Server 16.04 (Must install pyton 3.6 seperatly and make it the default)
  • RAM: 4 Gig min
  • MySQL (5.7.x is Recommended)
    • MySQL 8 not tested.


  • Install MySQL 5.7.x (must have root password)
  • If Installing on Mac OS X, Xcode and command line developer tools need to be installed AND the license agreement needs to have been accepted.
Linux Packages

The MacPatch server build script will attempt to install a number of required software packages there are a few packages that are recommended that be installed prior to running the build script.

RedHat & CentOS

RedHat & CentOS will require the "Development tools" group install. This group has a number of packages needed to build the MacPatch server.

yum groupinstall "Development tools"
yum install epel-release


apt-get install build-essential

MySQL changed the sql_mode settings in 5.7 which broke some queries in MacPatch. In order to use MacPatch with MySQL 5.7 the sql_mode setting will have to be changed.

To view and set the config use

SELECT @@GLOBAL.sql_mode;
SET GLOBAL sql_mode = 'modes';

The default SQL mode in MySQL 5.7 includes these modes:


The default SQL mode in MySQL 5.6 includes this mode:


Preliminary testing has been successful when removing the ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY mode.

Download, Setup and Install

Get Software
    mkdir /opt (If Needed)
    cd /opt
    git clone
Install Software
    cd /opt/MacPatch/Scripts
    sudo ./

Note: If your behind a SSL content inspector add the custom ca using

    export PIP_CERT=/path/to/ca/cert.crt
Setup Database

The database setup script only creates the MacPatch database and the 2 database accounts needed to use the database. Tuning the MySQL server is out of scope for this document.

Please remeber the passwords for mpdbadm and mpdbro accounts while running this script. They will be required during the script database section.

    cd /opt/MacPatch/Server/conf/scripts/setup
    ./ (must be run on the MySQL server)

Note: The can be/should be copied to another host if the database exists on a seperate server.

Configure Server Software
    cd /opt/MacPatch/Server/conf/scripts/setup
    sudo ./ --setup
Configure MacPatch schema & populate default data
    cd /opt/MacPatch/Server/apps
    source ../env/api/bin/activate
    ./ db upgrade head
    ./ populate_db

Note: If " db upgrade head" is done using a root shell. Please delete the "/opt/MacPatch/Server/logs/mpwsapi.log" file. It will be owned by root and the REST api will not launch.

Start Services
    cd /opt/MacPatch/Server/conf/scripts/setup
    sudo ./ --load All


Server Setup & Configuration

The MacPatch server software has now been installed and should be up and running. The server is almost ready for accepting clients. There are a few more server configuration settings which need to be configured.

First Login

The default user name is “mpadmin” and the password is “*mpadmin*”, Unless it was changed using the “” script. You will need to login for the first time with this account to do all of the setup tasks. Once these tasks are completed it’s recommended that this account be disabled. This can be done by editing the siteconfig.json file, which is located in /opt/MacPatch/Server/etc/.


"users": {
    "admin": {
        "enabled": true,
        "name": "mpadmin",
        "pass": "*mpadmin*"
"users": {
    "admin": {
        "enabled": false,
        "name": "mpadmin",
        "pass": "*mpadmin*"

Server Configuration

Each MacPatch server needs to be added to the environment. The master server is always added automatically.

It is recommended that you login and verify the master server settings. It is common during install that the master server address will be added as localhost or Please make sure that the correct hostname or IP address is set and that "active" is enabled.

  • Go to “Admin -> Server -> MacPatch Servers”
  • Double Click the row with your server or single click the row and click the “Pencil” button.

Default Patch Group Configuration

A default patch group will be created during install. The name of the default patch group is “Default”. You may use it or create a new one.

To edit the contents for the patch group simply click the “Pencil” icon next to the group name. To add patches click the check boxes to add or subtract patches from the group. When done click the “Save” icon. (Important Step)

  • Go to “Patches -> Patch Groups”
  • Double Click the row with your server or single click the row and click the “Pencil” button.

Client Agent Configuration

A default agent configuration is added during the install. Please verify the client agent configuration before the client agent is uploaded.


  • Go to “Admin -> Client Agents -> Configure”
  • Set the following 3 properties to be enforced
    • MPServerAddress
    • MPServerPort
    • MPServerSSL
  • Verify the “PatchGroup” setting. If you have changed it set it before you upload the client agent.
  • Click the save button
  • Click the icon in the “Default” column for the default configuration. (Important Step)
  • Set MPServerAllowSelfSigned to 1 if your in a test environment and not using a valid SSL vertificate.

Only the default agent configuration will get added to the client agent upon upload.


Download & Add Patch Content

Apple Updates

Apple patch content will download eventually on it’s own cycle, but for the first time it’s recommended to download it manually.

The Apple Software Update content settings are stored in a json file (/opt/MacPatch/Server/etc/patchloader.json). By default, Apple patches for 10.9 through 10.12 will be processed and supported.

Run the following command via the Terminal on the Master MacPatch server.


# sudo -u www-data /opt/MacPatch/Server/conf/scripts/


# sudo -u _appserver /opt/MacPatch/Server/conf/scripts/

Custom Updates

To create your own custom patch content please read the "Custom Patch Content" docs.

To use "AutoPkg" to add patch content please read the "AutoPkg patch content" docs.